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Are You a Black Tea Person or a Green Tea Person?

  Tea isn’t just a drink; it’s an experience, a ritual, and for many, a lifeline to get through the day. But when it comes to tea, an age-old debate divides enthusiasts: Are you a  Black Tea  person or a  Green Tea  person? You might think it’s just about taste, but your choice says much more about you than you might realize. Let’s dive into this flavorful journey and see where you stand in the great tea divide.  Black Tea: The Bold and the Beautiful If  Black Tea  were a person, it would be that confident, charming individual who commands the room without even trying. With its deep, robust flavor,  Black Tea  is not just a beverage; it’s an experience. The Mystery of Flavor Did you know that the flavor of  Black Tea  can change dramatically depending on where it’s grown? The rich, malty taste of Assam  Black Tea  is worlds apart from the floral, almost wine-like notes of Darjeeling tea. That’s because  Black Tea  undergoes full oxidation, which transforms the fresh green leaves into d

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