Why Darjeeling Organic Teas are 'Different and Unique'?

Darjeeling organic tea is a healthy beverage that has received huge acclamation all across the globe. It is harvested in the Darjeeling district of West Bengal in the foothills of the majestic Himalayan mountains. Darjeeling blends are called “Champagne of Teas” because of floral muscatel flavor. Tea drinking experience of an individual is incomplete if he has not tasted Darjeeling blends.

What makes Darjeeling Teas so Unique and Special?

  • The specialty of Darjeeling blends is that they are harvested in three major seasons or flushes – First Flush, Second Flush and Third Flush. Teas of different flushes taste different. Black brew of first flush has mild astringency, a specific aroma and light color, which are not present in any other black blends from any region. Second flush black tea produces a full-bodied cup of brew. This is amongst the most complex black blends produced in the world.


  • Darjeeling tea of one estate tastes completely different from the blends of another estate. Specific location and weather of an estate determine the flavor and aroma of a particular variety of Darjeeling brew.

  •  The same tea leaves in Darjeeling are processed differently to produce diverse variants like black, green, oolong and white teas.

  •  Darjeeling teas are the only teas across the globe that is protected with GI or Geographical Indication trademark. These teas are the only beverage that are produced in the highest elevation worldwide and, in fact, it is this altitude that creates a perfect environment for tea plantation. As a result, Darjeeling teas, including the organic variety, have special aroma and distinct muscatel flavor.


  • Darjeeling produces around 11,000 tons tea every year from its official tea growing regions. This is around 1% of the total production of tea in India. Darjeeling blends stand out from other variants in their quality. Some of the finest blends are produced in the different estates of the panoramic hilly region of Darjeeling.


  • There is another very important feature that sets a distinct class for Darjeeling teas. In this world of modernization where mechanization has almost taken over all packaging and manufacturing processes, Darjeeling still processes its blends in traditional “Orthodox” manner. This implies that each variety of tea is hand-cultivated and hand-picked so that authentic flavor and aroma is preserved till the final product. Extreme expertise, experience and care is taken in producing organic Darjeeling teas.

 Thus, one should not miss the chance of tasting the celebrated Darjeeling organic tea.

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